• Index ASE20 20 1,291.88 0.04
  • Index ASETR 20 1,577.87 0.04
  • ALNISR ALARABI 11 3.65 0
  • ARAB ALUM IND 11 2.15 2.27
  • COMP TRANSPORTS 21 1.06 0.95
  • PREMIER 21 1.27 1.55
  • ARAB EAST INVST. 21 1.16 0.87
  • JORDAN AHLI BANK 11 1.02 0
  • ARAB INTL HOTEL 21 0.74 3.9
  • AMAD REALST. INVST 21 0.72 2.86
  • AL-AMAL INV. 21 0.9 4.26
  • AMOUN INT. INV. 21 0.46 0
  • ARAB POTASH CO 11 27.35 0.18
  • AL-QUDS READY MIX 11 1.17 2.63
  • ARAB BANK 11 4.24 0
  • INJAZ 21 0.33 3.13
  • COMPLAND DEV&INV 21 1 1.01
  • BANK OF JORDAN 11 2.18 0
  • CAIRO AMMAN BANK 11 1.1 0
  • CAPITAL BANK 11 1.86 0
  • AL-FARIS NATIONAL 21 0.5 0
  • CENTURY INV.GRP 21 0.19 0
  • CONSULTING GROUP 11 1.87 1.08
  • CONTEMPRO 21 0.65 4.41
  • DAR ALDAWA DV/IV 11 1.26 0
  • DARAT 11 0.48 2.13
  • FIRST FINANCE 21 0.46 4.55
  • FIRST JORDAN 21 0.27 0
  • FUTURE ARAB 21 0.41 0
  • GIG - JORDAN 21 1.7 2.3
  • HAYAT PHAR. IND. 11 2.55 0.39
  • IBN ALHAYTHAM H. 21 0.74 4.23
  • INDSTRAL/COMM/AGR 11 0.83 1.19
  • AD-DULAYL PARK 11 0.66 2.94
  • IHDATHIAT CO. 21 0.33 0
  • ARABIAN DEV CO 21 0.36 2.86
  • INVESTBANK 11 1.44 1.41
  • IRBID ELECTRICITY 11 6.5 0.31
  • JCBANK 11 1 1.01
  • J D PROPERTIES 21 0.25 0
  • DIMENSIONS 21 5.83 0.52
  • JERUSALEM INS 11 1.95 0.52
  • JORDAN EXPRESS 11 1.7 1.19
  • INTERNATIONAL INV. 21 0.67 1.52
  • JOR INT INSUR CO 21 0.55 0
  • JOR ELECTREIC PWR 11 2.12 0.47
  • JOR FRENCH INS 21 0.6 1.64
  • JOR HOTEL TOURS 21 1.64 0.61
  • JOR ISLAMIC BANK 11 4.02 0.25
  • JORDAN INSURANCE 11 1.04 0.97
  • JOR INV TRUST 21 0.87 1.14
  • JOR KUWAIT BANK 11 2.74 0.37
  • JOR PHOSPHATE MN 11 11.47 0.7
  • JOR PIPES MANFACT 21 0.45 0
  • JOR PETROLM REF 11 4.97 0.6
  • JOR STEEL 21 0.14 0
  • JORDAN POUL PROC 21 0.32 3.23
  • JORDAN TELECOM 11 2.92 0.34
  • KAFA`A INVESTMENTS 21 0.41 2.5
  • LATENT ENERGIES 21 0.77 0
  • AL-DAWLIYAH H&M 21 0.37 0
  • AFAQ ENERGY 11 1.46 1.39
  • AFAQ HOLDING 21 0.56 3.7
  • ARAB PESTICIDES 11 2.5 2.46
  • NATL PORTFOLIO 21 0.63 1.61
  • MASAFAT TRANSPORT 11 0.6 1.64
  • TRANSPORT BARTER 21 0.23 4.17
  • NAT'L ALUM IND 11 0.73 0
  • NOOR CAPITAL 21 1.5 0
  • OFFTEC HOLDING 21 0.35 0
  • PETRA EDUCATION 11 2.7 1.82
  • PHOENIX HOLDINGS 21 0.13 0
  • PHILADELPHIA UNI 11 1.75 2.78
  • PROFESSIONAL 21 0.45 0
  • AL-RAKAEZ 21 0.38 0
  • READY MIX CONCRT 11 1.14 0.87
  • RUMM BROKERAGE 21 0.33 0
  • BABELON 21 0.99 0
  • AL-SANABEL INT. 21 0.64 0
  • SHIPPING LINE 11 1.95 1.52
  • SHIRA 21 0.35 0
  • SAFWA ISLAMIC BANK 11 1.91 0.53
  • SPEC.INV JOR 21 1.57 4.85
  • SPCZ.INVST.COMD 21 0.74 0
  • SPCZ.TRDG&INVST 21 0.98 2.08
  • TAJ TOURIST PROJ 21 0.56 1.82
  • HOUSING BK TRD FIN 11 3.3 0
  • AL-TAHDITH 21 0.76 0
  • TUHAMA INVESTMENTS 21 2.26 0.44
  • UBOUR 21 0.73 1.39
  • UNION INV 21 0.12 0
  • UNIV MOD INDCO 11 1.9 0
  • ARAB INV. UNION 21 0.45 0
  • UNITED INSURANCE 11 1.28 0
  • UNION TOBACCO 21 0.19 0

Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

The United Arab Jordan Company for Investment & Financial Brokerage (hereinafter the “company” “UAJC”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the customers who utilize the Company’s website and services (hereinafter “you”, “your”) as the controlling party that collects, uses and process your personal data in both manual and electronic format.

The purpose of this privacy notice (hereinafter the “privacy notice”) is to explain how and why we use your personal data to ensure you remain informed and in control of your data.

Any questions you have in relation to this privacy notice or how we use your personal data should be sent to our Data Protection Officer at the following email address:

The legal basis of the processing

To be able to process your data, we may rely on different legal bases, including:

  • Your explicit consent (only when legally required).
  • Deliver our products and services.
  • Process your instructions.
  • Manage our relationship with you.
  • Support trading operations.
  • Prevent or detect crimes including fraud and financial crimes, e.g. terrorist financing and human trafficking.
  • Ensure security, business continuity and risk management.
  • Provide online trading, mobile apps and other online product platforms.
  • Improve our products and services.
  • Comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and requirements.
  • Any other legal basis anyhow permitted by local laws.
  • Perform system or product development and planning, audit, and administrative purposes.


Marketing Purposes

We may use your data to provide you with details about our products and services by using post, email, telephone, text, or any other communication method. We may use your contact details to provide you with important information.


Recipients of data

We keep your personal data confidential. However, in order to service your needs to the best of our ability, we might share your data with other parties where it’s permitted by law for the below reasons:

  • To provide you with products or services you’ve requested, e.g. fulfilling a trade request.
  • Legal duty or requirement, e.g. to assist with detecting and preventing fraud, tax evasion and financial crimes.
  • Regulatory reporting, litigation or defending legal rights and interests.
  • Legitimate business reason, e.g. verify your identity, enable another company to provide you with services you’ve requested, or assess your suitability for products and services.


We might share your data with others including:

  • Agents, sub-contractors or service providers who perform for or on behalf of UAJC.
  • Collection agencies and legal counsels.
  • Any person you have elect to have a connection to your business relationship with us where it’s by power of attorney or person who guarantee you against your financial obligations.
  • Other financial institutions and government tax authorities.
  • Any person whether legal or natural where required in connection with potential or actual corporate restructuring, merger, acquisition or takeover, including any transfer or potential transfer of any of our rights or duties under our agreement with you to any other party.
  • Law enforcement, government, courts, dispute resolution bodies, regulators, auditors and any party appointed or requested by our regulators to carry out investigations or audits of our activities.

Fraud prevention agencies who’ll also use it to detect and prevent fraud and other financial crime and to verify your identity.

Data storage period
  • We keep your data in line with our data retention policy and regulatory instructions. Your Data will be kept for at least 5 years after the day of terminating our relationship or if any other regulatory or legal provision requires the record to be kept for a longer period, for the longer period.


Data subject’s rights to access, rectification, erasure and portability of the personal data

You have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal data and obtain information on how it is being processed.
  • Request correction of your personal data if its inaccurate and request completion of incomplete personal data.
  • Request the erasure of your personal data in certain circumstances (right to be forgotten) unless we are entitled or obligated by law to keep these data.
  • Request to receive your personal data in commonly used, machine-readable format and/or request that we transmit it to a third party.
  • Be notified in case of data breach which can result in a high risk to your rights and freedom.


Data subject’s rights to restriction of, or objection to, processing of the personal data
  • You have the right to object to processing or request restriction on the processing of your personal data. However, we reserve the right to continue processing your data if we can demonstrate legitimate and compelling reasons that outweigh your objection.
  • Please note that if you object to or restrict the processing of your personal data, we may not be able to continue to provide the products and services you are entitled to with us.


Data subject’s rights to withdraw consent
  • You have the right to withdraw the consent you gave to UAJC at any time.


Data subject’s requests

To submit a request regarding exercising any of your rights that are mentioned under this Privacy Policy, you can do this by either sending an email to UAJC’s Data Protection Officer (DPO): AJIB.DPO@ajib.com or through sending a written request via regular mail to the following postal address:

Data subject’s right to lodge a complaint
  • Any complaints related to alleged breaches of Data Protection Regulations can be filed with the relevant authority.


Lawful basis for processing
  • The lawful basis for processing your personal and sensitive data is the performance of our contractual relationship and its obligations including preliminary steps to its establishment.
  • We will inform you in case we need to process your personal data for a purpose different than the one mentioned above and seek your consent, if needed.


When will this privacy notice be updated?
  • This privacy notice may be amended from time to time.
  • Our use of your data is subject to the most current version of this privacy notice, which you can view on the UAJC’s website.


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